Cartography and Geography Reading Room | National Library of Estonia

Cartography and Geography Reading Room

Located on the 8th floor.kartograafiasaal

Contact details:, 630 7156

We offer specialised information training and map collection presentations. 

Here you can find 

  • Cartography and geography books, reference publications, journals, and guidebooks 

  • Map collection 

  • Computer workstation for using ArcGIS Desktop map software  

Our reference librarians will respond to your enquires and assist you in 

  • searching catalogues for literature, maps, and atlases 

  • finding material from other information sources 

  • specifying data and facts


You can use the computer to familiarise yourself with the software, and make and save maps

Through the reference librarian, you can use the computer to familiarise yourself with the software, and make and save maps. Upon request, we can create a custom map in PDF or image format free of charge (one hour time limit), using the Land Board’s WMS or ArcGIS online maps.

Estonian spatial data is freely available here:

Interactive map Travel Letters 1946–2020