NEW! Home Lending via Omniva Parcel Machines | National Library of Estonia

NEW! Home Lending via Omniva Parcel Machines


You can order to a parcel machine for home lending all books, serials and printed music with the status "AVAILABLE“ or "FOR USE IN LIBRARY". The loan period is 60 days and it can be renewed for up to three times if there is no demand. Books that are ordered before and after 16.00 on the same day (4 p.m.) are packed in separate parcels and a separate fee will be charged for each parcel. A fee is charged for the parcel at the parcel machine upon collecting it.

The order will reach the parcel machine 3-4 days after placing the order. Orders will not be delivered to the parcel machine on Saturdays and Sundays. When your order is available for collecting from the parcel machine, you will receive an SMS. The parcel will be stored in the parcel machine for 7 days.

Before delivering the requested books to the parcel machine, the National Library of Estonia will check the books out in the user’s name.

Return of books via Omniva parcel machines

You can return books without a charge when you return them to the National Library or to the Book Dispenser at the Library’s main entrance. When books are returned via Omniva parcel machine, you are charged a fee. Please choose the Tallinn Kristiine Centre parcel machine as the receiving parcel machine and National Library of Estonia as the recipient of the parcel. For the required contact phone number please enter 5683 3675.

For returning books, please go to any Omniva parcel machine, enter the required details and pay the delivery fee by bank card. The parcel machine prints out the address card, attach it to the parcel and scan the barcode. Put the parcel in the locker and touch the button "Confirm" on the screen.

After you have returned the books to the Omniva parcel machine, it will take 3-4 days before they reach the National Library. When the Library receives the books, they will be sent to quarantine for 5-7 days. The loans will be deleted from your user account no later than 10 days after they have been returned to the Omniva parcel machine.

When returning books via Omniva parcel machine, please send them in a bubble padded envelope.

More information about home lending during emergency situation can be found here: