Copernicus ‘Eyes on Earth’ Roadshow | National Library of Estonia

Copernicus ‘Eyes on Earth’ Roadshow

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3.-4. oktoobril toimub Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus EASME ja Euroopa Komisjoni poolt korraldatav Copernicus programmi seminar, mis tutvustab kosmoseandmete erinevaid kasutusvõimalusi. 
Seminaril tutvustatakse erinevaid kosmoseandmete kasutusvõimalusi läbi interaktiivsete tööriistade, ettekannete ning töötubade. Lisaks toimuvad ürituse raames kontaktkohtumised, kus erinevad eksperdid ja ettevõtjad saavad jagada kogemusi ning luua uusi kontake.

Üritus on tasuta.

Ringreis toimub viies EL riigis ja üks neist on Eesti! Vaata lähemalt ja registreeri:


EASME and the European Commission have launched the Eyes on Earth’ Roadshow – a series of five events across the EU bringing space and Earth observation closer to EU citizens; and raising awareness of the skills and job opportunities in the geospatial industry.

The ‘Eyes on Earth’ roadshows focus both on audiences already involved professionally in the Earth Observation sector; and on general audiences (including secondary and university students) to motivate aspiring and young professionals to pursue space and Earth observation careers.

Roadshow events span over two days, and include activities for participants of all ages, including:

· An expo area with interactive stands on geospatial observation;

· Policy sessions on the impact and benefits of the Copernicus Programme;

· Dedicated Masterclasses (e.g. how to monitor the water quality of Estonia's lakes and the Baltic Sea);

· Matchmaking sessions targeting university students, young professionals and businesses, putting them in touch with geospatial experts.


Sessions will be led by international experts on Earth observation.

Participation in all Roadshows is free of charge. Be sure to check the full programme and register at