Videos: Digitizing Cultural Heritage and Its Innovative Usage | Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu

Videos: Digitizing Cultural Heritage and Its Innovative Usage


The symposium "Digitizing Cultural Heritage and Its Innovative Usage" took place on 12 March 2020 in the National Library of Estonia within the framework of the traditional Deutscher Frühling in Estland and aimed to present digitisation projects in Lower Saxony and Estonia as well as discuss how cultural institutions, together with the developer community, can create new applications, innovative services, games and visualisations from freely usable cultural data.

Lower Saxony presented itself with the Cultural Heritage Portal, the Atlas of Monuments and the TIB AV Portal, among others. Estonia introduced the digital archive DIGAR, the online resources of the National Archives, the Smart Museum app NUMU, street art inspired by digitized art classics and the work of the Photographic Heritage Society.

The programme of the symposium is here:

The videos of the presentations are here:

Additional information:

Kerti Kulper, Communications Specialist,