Changes in opening times and services | Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu

Changes in opening times and services


From 11 March the reading area is closed and the publications you have ordered can be picked up from the National Library’s lobby during new temporary opening times Mon-Fri 10.00-18.00. The library is closed Sat-Sun.

Computers are temporarily available in the lobby for limited usage time and with pre-registration. If you wish to register or have any other questions, please contact the National Library at 630 7100, or via chat window on our webpage.

Books with due dates between 10 March to 25 April have been renewed until 4 May.

There are two ways to order books:

  • via online catalogue ESTER

  • by contacting the library directly via e-mail or the chat on our website, or by calling 6307 100

Ordered books can be received:

  • from the foyer of the library (the orders are arranged alphabetically based on user's surname);

  • from the Book Dispenser that is located next to the main entrance of the library. Books can be picked up 24/7. You only need an ID card or the library card. If the books arrive at the dispenser, you will receive an e-mail;

  • via Omniva parcel machines all over Estonia, a fee is charged for the parcel at the parcel machine upon collecting it.

Ordered books will be held for the reader for three working days.

Books can be returned:

  • to the return box in the foyer of the library;

  • to the Book Dispenser that is located next to the main entrance of the library. Books can be returned 24/7. You only need an ID card or the library card;

  • via Omniva parcel machine.

More information about Home Lending Rules.

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